Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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255 lines
Resource tracking for developing programs in C. The resource
trackering library contains stubs for common library and Amiga OS
calls and tracks the allocated resources. The process is
initialized like this:
StartResourceTracking (flags);
Where <flags> is a series of Resources that should be tracked. If
you allocate a resource after this call, it is tracked and the tags
are removed if you free the resource again. If you don't and call
EndResourceTracking ();
any still allocated resources are displayed and freed. The output of
this function looks like this:
Function Where Resource
AllocMem() test.c:156 500 Bytes
Open() text.c:24 File "RAM:RTL"
"Function" is the name of the function that allocated the resource.
"Where" gives the file and line where the resource was allocated
and "Resource" gives more information about the specifc type of the
resource itself.
There may be cases where you DON'T want resource tracking to
happen. The ResTrackLib has four means to avoid resource tracking.
1. You can switch it off alltogether by specifiying
anwhere before you include this file.
2. You can use the NRT_xxx version of a function (like
NRT_AllocMem()). This uses a version of the function
which doesn't use resource tracking.
3. You can set a flag in the library that turns off
resource tracking temporarily with SetResTrackLevel(),
IncResTrackLevel() and DecResTrackLevel(). If the
level is < 0, no resource tracking will happen.
4. You can specifiy all resources that should or
should not be tracked with StartResourceTracking().
And there is another goodie: PrintTrackedResources (); which
prints a full list of all tracked resources. And last but not
least, all calls to free a resource check their arguments for
validity. If you free a non-allocated resource (eg. with a
wrong pointer), an extensive error message is printed. See below
for a list of all currently tracker resources.
/* check if the user actually wants resource tracking */
# ifndef RESTRACK_H
# define RESTRACK_H
#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
# include <exec/types.h>
#ifndef DOS_DOS_H
# include <dos/dos.h>
Defines und Strukturen
#ifndef RTL_INTERN /* make sure we don't get the macros :-) */
/* here comes the magic: We just overwrite the normal functions with macros */
/* c.lib */
/* DOS */
#define Open(file,mode) __rtl_Open(file,mode,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Close(fh) __rtl_Close(fh,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Lock(name,type) __rtl_Lock(name,type,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define UnLock(lock) __rtl_UnLock(lock,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define DupLock(lock) __rtl_DupLock(lock,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define CreateDir(name) __rtl_CreateDir(name,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define CurrentDir(lock) __rtl_CurrentDir(lock,__FILE__,__LINE__)
/* Exec */
#define RTL_DEF0(name) __rtl_ ## name (__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define RTL_DEF1(name,p1) __rtl_ ## name (p1,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define RTL_DEF2(name,p1,p2) __rtl_ ## name (p1,p2,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define RTL_DEF3(name,p1,p2,p3) __rtl_ ## name (p1,p2,p3,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define RTL_DEF4(name,p1,p2,p3,p4) __rtl_ ## name (p1,p2,p3,p4,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define AllocMem(size,flags) __rtl_AllocMem(size,flags,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define FreeMem(adr,size) __rtl_FreeMem(adr,size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define AllocVec(size,flags) __rtl_AllocVec(size,flags,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define FreeVec(adr) __rtl_FreeVec(adr,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define OpenLibrary(name,ver) __rtl_OpenLibrary(name,ver,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define CloseLibrary(lib) __rtl_CloseLibrary(lib,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Allocate(fl,size) __rtl_Allocate(fl,size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define Deallocate(fl,mem,size) __rtl_Deallocate(fl,mem,size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define AllocEntry(list) RTL_DEF1(AllocEntry,list)
#define FreeEntry(list) RTL_DEF1(FreeEntry,list)
#define CreateMsgPort() RTL_DEF0(CreateMsgPort)
#define DeleteMsgPort(port) RTL_DEF1(DeleteMsgPort,port)
#define OpenDevice(dev,unit,ior,flags) RTL_DEF4(OpenDevice,dev,unit,ior,flags)
#define CloseDevice(ior) RTL_DEF1(CloseDevice,ior)
#define DoIO(ior) RTL_DEF1(DoIO,ior)
#define SendIO(ior) RTL_DEF1(SendIO,ior)
#define CheckIO(ior) RTL_DEF1(CheckIO,ior)
#define WaitIO(ior) RTL_DEF1(WaitIO,ior)
#define AbortIO(ior) RTL_DEF1(AbortIO,ior)
/* Graphics */
#define RectFill(rp,x1,y1,x2,y2) __rtl_RectFill(rp,x1,y1,x2,y2,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#endif /* RTL_INTERN */
/* Flags for StartResourceTracking() */
#define RTL_TRACK 0x00000000 /* track specified resources */
#define RTL_NOTRACK 0x80000000 /* track all but the spec. res. */
#define RTL_CLIB 0x00000001 /* track c.lib */
#define RTL_DOS 0x00000002 /* track dos calls */
#define RTL_EXEC 0x00000004 /* track exec stuff */
#define RTL_ALL 0x7FFFFFFF /* track everything we have */
/* Defines for Prototypes */
#define RTL_PROTO0(ret,name) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (void);
#define RTL_PROTO1(ret,name,arg) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (arg, const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (arg);
#define RTL_PROTO2(ret,name,arg1,arg2) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (arg1, arg2, const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (arg1, arg2);
#define RTL_PROTO3(ret,name,a1,a2,a3) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (a1,a2,a3, const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (a1,a2,a3);
#define RTL_PROTO4(ret,name,a1,a2,a3,a4) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (a1,a2,a3,a4, const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (a1,a2,a3,a4);
#define RTL_PROTO5(ret,name,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) \
ret __rtl_ ## name (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, const char *, int); \
ret NRT_ ## name (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5);
Globale Variable
extern void StartResourceTracking (ULONG);
extern void SetResourceTracking (ULONG);
extern void PrintTrackedResources (void);
extern LONG SetResourceTrackingLevel (LONG);
extern LONG IncResourceTrackingLevel (void);
extern LONG DecResourceTrackingLevel (void);
extern void EndResourceTracking (void);
/* Prototypes for resource tracking calls */
/* c.lib */
/* DOS */
RTL_PROTO2(BPTR,Open,STRPTR name, long accessMode)
RTL_PROTO2(BPTR,Lock,STRPTR name, long type)
RTL_PROTO1(void,UnLock,BPTR lock)
RTL_PROTO1(BPTR,CurrentDir,BPTR lock)
/* Exec */
RTL_PROTO2(APTR,AllocMem,ULONG size, ULONG flags)
RTL_PROTO2(void,FreeMem,APTR mem, ULONG size)
RTL_PROTO2(struct Library *,OpenLibrary,UBYTE * name, ULONG version)
RTL_PROTO1(void,CloseLibrary,struct Library * library)
RTL_PROTO2(APTR,Allocate,struct MemHeader * freeList, ULONG size)
RTL_PROTO3(void,Deallocate,struct MemHeader * freeList, APTR mem,ULONG size)
RTL_PROTO1(struct MemList *,AllocEntry,struct MemList * list)
RTL_PROTO1(void,FreeEntry,struct MemList * list)
RTL_PROTO0(struct MsgPort *,CreateMsgPort)
RTL_PROTO1(void,DeleteMsgPort,struct MsgPort * mp)
RTL_PROTO4(BYTE,OpenDevice,UBYTE * devName,ULONG unit,struct IORequest *ioRequest, ULONG flags)
RTL_PROTO1(void,CloseDevice,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
RTL_PROTO1(BYTE,DoIO,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
RTL_PROTO1(void,SendIO,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
RTL_PROTO1(struct IORequest *,CheckIO,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
RTL_PROTO1(BYTE,WaitIO,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
RTL_PROTO1(void,AbortIO,struct IORequest * ioRequest)
/* Graphics */
RTL_PROTO5(void,RectFill,struct RastPort * rp, WORD, WORD, WORD, WORD)
# endif /* RESTRACK_H */
#else /* No resource tracking */
# define NRT_Open Open
# define NRT_Close Close
# define NRT_Lock Lock
# define NRT_UnLock UnLock
# define NRT_DupLock DupLock
# define NRT_CreateDir CreateDir
# define NRT_CurrentDir CurrentDir
# define NRT_AllocMem AllocMem
# define NRT_FreeMem FreeMem
# define NRT_AllocVec AllocVec
# define NRT_FreeVec FreeVec
# define NRT_OpenLibrary OpenLibrary
# define NRT_CloseLibrary CloseLibrary
# define NRT_Allocate Allocate
# define NRT_Deallocate Deallocate
# define NRT_AllocEntry AllocEntry
# define NRT_FreeEntry FreeEntry
# define NRT_CreateMsgPort CreateMsgPort
# define NRT_DeleteMsgPort DeleteMsgPort
# define NRT_OpenDevice OpenDevice
# define NRT_CloseDevice CloseDevice
# define NRT_DoIO DoIO
# define NRT_SendIO SendIO
# define NRT_CheckIO CheckIO
# define NRT_WaitIO WaitIO
# define NRT_AbortIO AbortIO
# define NRT_RectFill RectFill
# define StartResourceTracking(fl) ;
# define SetResourceTracking(fl) ;
# define PrintTrackedResources ;
# define EndResourceTracking ;
extern LONG SetResourceTrackingLevel (LONG);
extern LONG IncResourceTrackingLevel (void);
extern LONG DecResourceTrackingLevel (void);
***** ENDE restrack.h